2015-2016 (click for more)

Three of us (Ryan, Rajeev, and Kirstin) spent two weeks with the local community in Tongo converting a storage building into a bright and inviting after-school study center.  Local craftspeople knocked out walls, installed windows, and electrified the structure.  Leveraging the power of community cooperation, we energized students and mothers to clean, paint, and assemble the space. We encouraged them to take pride in their work and respect for this small treasure in their community. Inside are books for students of all age’s in fiction, non-fiction, and school curriculum books; Laptops loaded with a typing lesson, national geographic magazines files, a student encyclopedia, and a word processor; and furniture to encourage quiet study or group activities.


In 2012-2013 Taliban forces flared up all over Mali, West Africa bringing much trepidation and hunger to citizens. Dogon Country, an area in Mali known best for it’s ancient traditions, art, & cliff dwellings, was struck particularly hard by these extremists. As it happens, a local Dogon guide Oumar Guindo and his family are friends of Community Wings. When we heard about the strife his family and community were struggling through we quickly moved to raise money to help.

When his family was on the brink of starvation, we were able to raise $2000 which then bought his family & community enough grain and goats to weather through those hardest times. Lack of tourism and continued extremist forces still plague the nation, and so we hope to help more in the future.


In the summer of 2011, a group of students from Southern California joined us in Ghana for what was to be a magical month of community service, cultural exchange, and the making of a documentary film on a relevant child labor issue in Ghana. In preparation for the trip we raised enough money and support to build the Bill and Michelle Lerach ICT computer lab and to furnish and renovate five elementary school classrooms. In addition, we created scholarships and planted the seeds for future projects within the community.


Below is our 30-minute documentary about the Kayayo:


04008During the school year of 2009, Community Wings founders Ryan and Kirstin escorted a group of 9 to Tema, Ghana for a whirlwind community service art project. High art school students from Coronado, CA worked closely with high art school students from Chemu Senior Secondary on a large mosaic mural entitled “Tema, The Centre of the World”. There was also a philanthropic element to this trip, in which a small clinic was renovated and stocked with supplies by volunteers in the group. Visit this link for images of the mural and project.


02.502.4.0hero12Community Wings founders Kirstin and Ryan executed their first large development project together during this visit to Ghana. Prior to departure, Kirstin had secured a grant through the Rotary Club of Coronado of nearly $17,000, under the clean water initiative of Rotary that year. They were able to drill a much needed borehole for the community of Kaare, as well as dredging out two watering holes, thereby creating a year round water supply for livestock in the area. During this trip, 5 student volunteers joined Kirstin and Ryan for a one month service adventure. During this trip, small scale development project were carried out, including mural painting, tutoring, sports programs and donations to the community.


After finishing 2 1/2 years of Peace Corps service, Kirstin hosted her first group of students in Ghana during the summer of 2005. A group of three students and one teacher helped to set guidelines for future projects and visits to Ghana.


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